Betrayal Trauma Therapy Group for Women
Are you ready to heal from the painful shock of sexual betrayal? Receiving support from other women who have experienced betrayal trauma is an invaluable experience. You deserve to heal alongside other women who have experienced intimate betrayal and understand what you are going through. The benefits of betrayal trauma group therapy are vast and go well beyond the gains you receive from individual therapy alone.
Our Online Groups serve Washington & PSYPACT states

Join our Online Betrayal Trauma Therapy Group for Women
You can process your pain in a safe and validating environment with other women.
Uncover why you may feel stuck and learn strategies to move forward.
Get answers to your recovery questions and receive thoughtful feedback.
Feel empowered to take care of and get in touch with what you’ve lost.
Learn effective trauma-informed techniques that really work to heal your symptoms.
Learn from an experienced betrayal trauma expert who leads the group.
Receive our Betrayal Trauma Therapy Workbook full of helpful information and exercises when you sign up!
Individual Therapy is Often
Not Enough for Betrayal Trauma
Intimate betrayal has been shown to impact us in a uniquely painful way that is different from other types of traumatic experiences. There is a much deeper level of hurt to betrayal that can have lasting effects beyond just posttraumatic stress symptoms. It takes a multifaceted approach to heal from betrayal and although individual therapy can be incredibly beneficial, betrayed partners often need additional support to achieve a deeper level of healing. They can receive this support from betrayal trauma group therapy.

We are not meant to heal from this type of trauma alone
Research continues to show that good social support can protect us from the negative impact of trauma on our well-being, and receiving the right kind of support can positively influence our trauma recovery. The very nature of betrayal makes us want to withdraw, isolate, even shutdown, but it is difficult to truly heal from the devastating impact of intimate betrayal on your own. Having supportive friends and family can be helpful, but often they are unable to offer the type of validation and understanding a hurting partner needs during this difficult time to heal from betrayal.
Our betrayal trauma therapy groups provide amazing opportunities for connection and growth. We offer a safe space for you to share, process your feelings, and learn effective strategies for coping while receiving support alongside other women who deeply understand. There is healing in getting to know your group members and recognizing that you are not alone in your experience.

Betrayal Trauma Group Therapy is for you if...
You have experienced any form of intimate betrayal in your relationship, that went against your fidelity commitment.
You want trauma healing strategies that actually work!
You're tired of having no one in your life who understands what you are going through.
You're struggling with painful triggers, feelings, and beliefs.
You want to stop the anxious and obsessive thoughts.
You want to stop blaming yourself.
You're tired of the self-critical thoughts.
You need to calm your mind and feel at peace again.
You want to understand the mind-body connection of trauma and learn healing exercises.
You desire support from other women.
You no longer want to heal in isolation and want to feel more connected.
How is our Betrayal Trauma Group Different?
We have been helping partners heal from betrayal trauma for over 10 years. Our betrayal trauma therapy groups are specifically designed with your healing needs in mind. We offer what we have found to be the perfect balance of support and connection, learning, and processing of trauma symptoms for you to truly understand and integrate the material. We also created a workbook to specifically target the recovery after betrayal trauma which offers a wealth of knowledge and exercises to support your healing inside and outside of group. Other betrayal trauma therapy groups may be limited in what they can provide in terms of scope, depth, and support. Some groups offer support only without any learning or processing, while other groups are very structured and unable to allow for cohesive group processing. We have received exceptional feedback from our group members over the years, and know the work we are doing is making a real difference in their lives.
Betrayal Trauma Group Therapy Done Differently
We have uniquely designed our betrayal trauma therapy groups to offer deeper healing and support through a therapeutic group process. We have identified the critical topics betrayed partners need to move beyond their trauma and our groups provide the right balance of supportive connection while learning and processing in a safe space. You will be guided through a deeper level of healing while receiving the full benefits of a group therapy approach. You also get the benefits of working with an experienced trauma specialist whose expertise is betrayal!
Betrayal Trauma Therapy Workbook
Our innovative betrayal trauma therapy workbook was uniquely designed to help women process their betrayal experience, work though the different symptoms that arise, practice somatic exercises for mind-body trauma integration, offer reflective exercises on critical healing topics, and provides strategies to help partners move through areas where they often find themselves stuck. All group members will receive a copy to guide their healing process inside and outside of group sessions.

Meet your Betrayal Trauma Group Therapist
Dr. Shira Olsen
Dr. Olsen is our betrayal trauma expert who has helped countless women recover from the painful aftermath of intimate betrayal to restore their sense of self and reclaim their lives. She believes in the power and beauty of betrayal trauma group therapy and has witnessed the incredible growth, strength, and healing that can happen when women come together to support one another. Her passion for helping women recover from betrayal is apparent in her approach, commitment to your healing and her compassionate style.
Dr. Olsen has extensive expertise treating trauma and even co-developed an integrated treatment model to address healing the mind-body connection after betrayal trauma which she presents nationally to teach other providers how to help betrayed partners heal.

"Dr. Shira Olsen is deeply knowledgeable and cares so much about her clients, I am so grateful for the care that she provides. It changes lives."
- Amy G.
Am I ready for Betrayal
Trauma Group Therapy?
If you are ready to be a part of a life changing experience that fosters incredible healing and deeper connection with other betrayed partners, then our betrayal trauma therapy group is for you. No matter what stage of healing you are in, you can continue to learn effective strategies and tools to help calm your mind and body and foster deeper trauma healing. Our groups are designed to support you where you are at in your healing journey. Our approach aims to heal the underlying trauma while receiving support from others. If you are experiencing distressing or painful symptoms, you can benefit from our betrayal trauma therapy group. Some individuals may not feel ready for group therapy if they are struggling with day-to-day functioning and don’t think they can actively engage in a group setting. If this is you, reach out and we can help to set you up with the support you need, perhaps individual therapy, to get you ready to fully benefit from group therapy.  Join today if you are ready to learn to nurture yourself again and reclaim the version of you that was lost!
What can I expect from
Betrayal Trauma Group Therapy?
• 12 weekly sessions (2 hours each). • Meet online in the privacy of your home. • Receive our Betrayal Trauma Therapy Workbook to guide your healing. • Comfort knowing you're not alone. • Community and bonding with other betrayed partners. • Opportunities for self-growth. • Support inside and outside of group. • Learn about betrayal trauma and critical topics for healing. • Learn where partners get stuck and strategies to move forward. • Alleviate trauma symptoms. • Heal painful triggers. • Create boundaries, stop self-blame, and honor your emotions. • Practice mind-body connection exercises to heal. • Develop skills to process the grief. • Learn what you need to take care of yourself.