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Can Relationships Survive "Sex Addiction" or "Porn Addiction?"

Can Relationships Survive?

Can Relationships Really Survive Sex Addiction or Porn Addiction?


The discovery of affairs or other infidelities is one of the most painful problems a couple can face.  With the relationship in crisis, it can be hard to know what to do to move forward.  This is a difficult and fragile time and requires a skilled therapist who is knowledgeable on infidelity to help you navigate the pain of betrayal and rebuild your relationship.  Healing from infidelity or sexual behavior problems takes guidance from a therapist who understands the complexity and depth of pain and who is able to delicately work through the many potential factors, psychological and otherwise, that precipitated the infidelity.


With the right approach, many couples are able to come out the other side more joyful, connected, and healthy than they thought possible.  Deep pain can become transformed into a relationship that is beautiful and inspiring to others.

Get in touch

Pacific Behavioral Healthcare, PC

In-Person and Online Appointments

2370 130th Ave NE, Suite 104 | Bellevue, WA, 98005 | USA

1900 N. Northlake Way, #127 | Seattle, WA, 98103 | USA



T. (425) 628-2820  E.

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Sex Therapy Wellness Credential
Sexual and Relational Betrayal Trauma Credential
Sexual Compulsivity Credential
Distinguished Sex Therapist Credential

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