Porn Addiction Therapy

Is Help Available for Pornography Addiction Related Struggles?
Problematic or compulsive porn use (sometimes called porn addiction) can be distressing to individuals and can cause significant hardship on relationships.  Some experience an escalation over time in their pornography use or they feel preoccupied with searching for porn. Some feel that they are "unable to stop" their porn use, despite the havoc it is creating in their lives.
The time spent by some gathering and viewing pornography can have devastating effects on relationships, work productivity, finances, and can help prevent individuals from achieving the sexual intimacy they truly desire.
We will work alongside our clients to understand the real nature of their problematic or compulsive porn use. We help our clients to find better tools to communicate their desires and achieve the sexual intimacy they want in an honest way. We help them to achieve healthy sexuality filled with intimacy and connection and to lead a full life.
If you struggle with compulsive pornography use, worry that your sexual behaviors are out of control, or feel that your behavior is an addiction, we can help. Â
Have You Been Hurt by Your Partner's Porn Use?
It can be confusing to try and make sense of a partner’s porn use.  Often times hurt partners report feelings of anger, confusion, poor self-image, loneliness, and emotional and sexual withdrawal.  We help couples have open and honest sexual conversations about sexuality — so they don’t feel blindsided, hurt, and left out of sexual intimacy in their relationship.