Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction Telehealth Therapy

Is Therapy Available over Phone or Video for Sex Addiction or Porn Addiction Therapy?
Recovery from infidelity and
problematic sexual behaviors (sex addiction or porn addiction)
for clients throughout Washington State
Access to the best care available regardless of where you are located!
Washington State defines "telehealth" as “the delivery of health care services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between the patient at the originating site and the provider, for the purpose of diagnosis, consultation, or treatment" (WA State Legislature, 2016).
At Pacific Behavioral Healthcare, we provide the most comprehensive and progressive treatment of problematic or compulsive sexual behavior in the Pacific Northwest and are now able to expand to other areas in Washington via our telehealth platform. Telehealth care includes video sessions or phone. Video sessions are available through a user friendly and HIPAA compliant platform to ensure your confidentiality and easy access to the care that you deserve. However, for clients who are uncomfortable with or unable to use video, or have limited computer access, telephone sessions are also available.